Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 142 of 194 |
Tarp went back up on the 1200 Engel, storms coming in. Did get a better cut on the splitting stem. Cucumber beetles are swarming and I won't be able to spray because rain will be here by the time the bees are gone. So they get a break until tomorrow. The pumpkin thumps like a hollow bell, will probably go light like most of our pumpkins do. I likely won't measure again until we get it on a pallet.
We picked some long gourds, broke a little 6 footer, a bigger one started to rot at the tip and one started rotting at the stem. One is now taped to a board, can make state record size before we have to dig a hole. I hope we end up digging a hole. We have one more that will need a hole and a couple that set so low they will need slant boards by the time they are 7' long. At least these are staying skinny, hopefully they will go long instead of fat like the first ones.
Tomatoes are finally starting to ripen. I have canned 31 quarts and 19 pints of salsa. Found one real nice field pumpkin for Anamosa Pumpkinfest, as well as some other decent ones to take to Anamosa and Bloomfield. Plants got real weedy. 2 weeks until the first weigh-off.