Now the stump has this foam in it also.
also important is the fact that i dug up the entire stump and alal the roots were covered with thiese little white round nodules. I thiknk they were nematoades. Not sure.Only doing allot of reading on the net. and seeing similar pics.
Now after i removed this plant I bleached all equipmwent used (mincluding the travotr I tilled it with) this is recommened. I am suspicious of verticulum or fusarioum wilt (both fungal and in the soil) testing will occur after the season is over. I have learned much about these on the net and there are many reccomendations on how to treat. It won't cost a gazillion dollars but it may take several years to be able to plant in this patch again. I will wait for a test report and the reccommedations. I am gratful to have 5 remaining healthy plants. The wilt came very fast . ON 8/10 at 8PM plant was perky and no problem. then 12 hours later 8/11/@8AM the plant had the wilt and the ripping began.