Seed Starting
Subject: 3 Cotts
Date Posted
Vineman |
I had a seed start which has 3 seed leaves. What do you think the chances are that this plant ends up being a mutant in some way? My guess is 100% chance that it continues to do strange things.
4/19/2018 11:02:17 PM
Pumpking |
Maybe 99% ;) Better plant another one or two strong backup seedlings into that plot and see how your mutant will be doing, perhaps it´s a fine plant, so you can make a decision later (if it´s from a rare seed it could be worth the effort), but if it´s something you could replace by backups from the same seed stock you better go with the backup and set the mutant into an extra corner for entertainment plants.
4/20/2018 2:25:33 AM
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
but maybe a conjoined pumpkin would be special indeed...he he
4/20/2018 4:37:00 PM
cojoe |
4/20/2018 5:48:13 PM
Andy W |
Western NY
Usually a disaster before it even gets out of the pot.
4/20/2018 7:34:33 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
I say give it your number one spot! What starts out special might finish off special!
4/20/2018 8:56:58 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
EACH of my 772.2 Poiriers, which i had 5 of in 2006 (God bless you, George) and ever planted maybe 3 of them that came up or survived, had 3 cotyledons but did OK once they got going. So, i guess it depends on the value of the seed to a grower as to whether or not to grow it in a really good spot, or at all. I'm pretty sure that my 2145 last year came up with only one cot, but the 1st true leaf was there and the above applied; That being said, nothing really looks 'good' when it is born; A few days outta the incubator? Nice!
4/22/2018 1:25:44 PM
WiZZy |
Little-TON - Colorado
I had these a couple of times, let it grow out and see if it still wants to freak worth the wait, but have a plan B
4/23/2018 10:23:17 AM
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