Grower Diary Comments
Subject: Comments - Richmond Dave 2024-08-10
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North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
1/2 cup a day of anything is a lot (15 cups) in a month, so yeah you are applying a fair amount of stuff when you add it all up.
8/10/2024 4:21:26 PM
Richmond Dave |
Richmond, BC, Canada
I think the only way to know how much is too much is by over applying. Under applying would just lead to small slow growth. If you saw my last soil test Boron was 7.43ppm. I'v never had a better plant ! Western Lab says 0.8 ppm Boron is adequate. So 9 times the recommend Boron hasn't caused any issues... yet!
8/10/2024 11:59:20 PM
IanP |
Lymington UK
Dave, don’t forget that you need to do an EC test on anything before you put it on your soil. We’ve been told that a natural organic product had no salts only to find we might as well have tipped out our salt cellars on the leaves. We have around 6ppm Boron in the patch but there’s no need push it to far. Keep up the good work Ian
8/11/2024 4:28:35 AM
Richmond Dave |
Richmond, BC, Canada
Good point about checking EC Ian. The last soil sample EC was 0.885. This is in the "good" level. If anyone is considering using a new "fertilizer" it's good to check it's "salt index" before applying. If it's high you may want search for an alternative. To be honest, I never check the EC. I use "ppm" which is basically the same....I think? My mixes usually around the 300 to 400 ppm concentration.
8/11/2024 8:38:33 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Have you ever checked the ppm of your 40 gallon feeder drum after adding all those products Dave?
8/11/2024 10:15:15 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Sorry, just re-read the last line. Thanks.
8/11/2024 10:16:18 AM
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