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Subject:  2018 Plans

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Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

What will you grow, how many will you grow, what are your potential crosses?

If luck is along for the ride, I hope to cross the 245.5 Connolly with the 250.5 Team Wexler. The 245.5 was harvested early, the 250.5 was a late pick, perhaps pounds were left behind in their respective patches?

Kents big one is a very good one to consider as well. I'm open for suggestions, I have plenty of dirt if there's a cross that anyone thinks we should try.

12/13/2017 6:44:59 PM

Mike F.

Hanson Ma

I'll be planting my own 189.5 and probably the 254.5 Connolly. Unless I get something with other genetics.

12/13/2017 7:30:31 PM

Just Bill

Bottom of ohio

250.5 here

12/13/2017 9:41:30 PM


Sharon, MA

I was thinking of crossing the 202.5 Desrosiers with the 250.5 Wexler, and my 245.5 with the 268 Kent. But it so early. Lots of think to think it over. Need to increase the patch size a bit to make this happen though.

12/13/2017 9:48:27 PM

Dutch Brad


Only room for one so I'm going with the only seed I have, a 108 Nieuwenhoff. It grew the 262 Ansems.

12/14/2017 4:25:32 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Thanks for posting that Brad. For some Gerard's 262 has gone pretty much under the radar. Gerard and Catarina grew the 262, 214 an 204 all with the 108 Nieuwenhoff seed.

12/14/2017 7:18:55 AM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

I have 279.5 English and 265.5 Engel seeds to make a cross. I just have to be careful that they don't get crossed with my long gourds.

12/14/2017 9:08:57 AM

Green Toe


This will be my first time growing BGs I have 3, 108 Nieuwenhoff seeds and am planning on growing all 3 if I don't screw anything up lol

12/14/2017 11:52:04 AM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

Wow, I maybe better see if I have any 108 Nieuwenhoff's left. I think I gave them all away.

12/14/2017 1:19:41 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

If I counted correctly the following seeds grew the most BG's over 100 lbs. in 2017

108 Nieuwenhoff-9
270 Kent-8
200 LaRiviere-8
279 English-6
265 Engel-6

Seeds that grew fruit over 200 lbs.

108 Nieuwenhoff-3
279 Englis-2
265 Engel-2
200 LaRiviere-2
210 English-1
117.5 Sheldon-1

Last year there were only 2 fruit grown over 200 lbs. and 19 over 100 lbs. compared to 2017 when 14 were grown over 200 lbs. and 72+ over 100 lbs.

* Interesting that the 177 Westfall did not appear to be planted very much even though it grew the WR 279.5 English and 265 Engel.

12/14/2017 2:22:23 PM


NE Arkansas

Plan here is
268 Kent
250.5 Wexler

12/14/2017 3:14:42 PM

Farmer Brown (Chris Brown)

Zimmerman, Minnesota

2018 will be my rookie year in bushel gourds and I'm going to plant the 265.5 Engel.

12/14/2017 9:09:58 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

andy, my 270 kent grew my 247 this year. so it should be in your 200 lbs list

12/14/2017 10:17:06 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Correct you are, sorry about that.

12/15/2017 7:53:12 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I think there will be a lot more planted this year including myself. There is nothing represented out west except Alaska. It will be interesting to see the west's climate plays into its size.

12/15/2017 12:54:55 PM


Frankfort Ohio

Guess I should get with this wexler guy and try a couple in our patch

12/23/2017 10:44:09 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Jed..lol, anytime my friend, I have always appreciated the warm welcome that you've extended to the boys and I, always feels like home for us in Ohio, thank you.

12/24/2017 9:14:30 PM


Sharon, MA

I think there were 3 200+ pounders grown from the 200 Lariviere seed:

202 Desrosiers
208 Lariviere
245 Connolly

There are so many stats its hard to keep track of them all.

1/5/2018 6:49:59 PM


Princeville, IL

Uow but had a 223, 215, and 188 off a 275.5 English plant that was open pollinated and had almost no care.

1/5/2018 6:57:16 PM


Princeville, IL

They were weighed on my Toledo Bend beam scale and my digital crane scale and both gave the same weight within a pound.

1/5/2018 7:01:27 PM

Dig n Doug

Webster Groves, MO

Last year, I settled on growing the 265.5 Engel and the 270 Kent. I did not have room to grow on the 177 Westfall and 279.5 English plants even though all of the plants were very vigorous. I opted to try something different. The 265.5 Engel grew my 209 in a new location at my workplace and would recommend it to any grower. This plant did well in spite of not receiving the best care.
My Fault!!!. The 270 Kent was perhaps the best looking plant I have ever grown. It grew my 229 UOW gourd. This is a great seed. This year I will start those 2 seeds plus the 177 Westfall. The 177 Westfall has never failed to perform. I will also try the 210 English and the 245.5 English. The 279.5 will not be planted since I am out of the seed. Best of luck to everybody and let's crack the 300 lb. barrier!!!

1/5/2018 9:30:46 PM


Princeville, IL

Dougs--thanks for the seed a couple years ago. You gave me the bushel gourd bug.

1/5/2018 10:29:01 PM



My main goal is to grow a AG 500 lbs or greater, but with that being said I may plant two generic store bought seeds.

1/6/2018 10:40:35 PM


Hamilton Nj

I'm gonna try the 270 Kent again I did not get one polinated till Sept lol but I was happy with my 20 pounder for a first try rotflmao. Pizza

1/9/2018 8:28:32 PM

Total Posts: 24 Current Server Time: 2/24/2025 6:39:57 PM
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