Long Gourd Growing Forum
Subject: LG Wilting
Date Posted
Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only) |
Western PA
Whenever we have hot sunny days my LG plants wilt pretty bad, right after I hit them with the hose they perk back up.
My plants have done this last year and this year,(Only 2nd year growing LG's)
Does this seem to be the norm?
How much do the you think the wilting effects the overall growth of the lg? IF a misting system was setup to turn on and off on sunny days do you think this would increase growth rates on sunny hot days.
HAs anyone ever compared growth rates of LG's on really hot sunny days that cause wilting compared to Non-wilting days?
7/22/2009 10:40:32 PM
Alan E. |
eastern Ontario
In my experience,if the soil is a bit moist the LG leaves will not wilt.In fact on the hottest days over several years I have never seen a plant wilt. Seems to me you just need a bit more moisture in the soil and a misting system might work but it is absolutely unnecessary. In fact since the LG plants come from hotter regions of the world I have been saying it is next to impossible to make them wilt. In other years on a mature plant on the hottest August days,I have found that an average of 2-3 gallons per day keeps them quite perky. Just my experience.--Cheers--AE
7/24/2009 9:55:55 PM
duff |
Topsfield, Ma.
LG's have very extensive root systems generally. Are your LG's competing with any other plants/lawn for moisture? As Al says, wilting isn't typical. I'd set up a watering/misting system to minimze plant stress if it's feasible. Haven't watered here in NE too much this season...LOL! Good luck!
7/25/2009 7:14:41 PM
duff |
Topsfield, Ma.
FYI...noted some flagging today on LG's...90 degrees and about 100% humidity...I guess they do flag...I stand corrected! LOL.
7/27/2009 8:39:00 PM
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