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Subject:  Seed Starting

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Corralitos, CA

Im having a hard time startting long gourd seeds, any suggestions. I have had them in the peat pots for 6 days now and no sign on life. I just dug one up and found a little sprout. Do they just take long time to germinate?

4/19/2009 3:17:59 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Yes, they can take upwards of two weeks to get going! Like with pumkin seeds, you could lightly sand the seed edges, soak for a while and maybe keep some heat on the pots or pots on some heat till they sprout! Good luck!

4/19/2009 7:33:42 PM



Sand/file sides, soak 8 hours, 85 to 90 degrees in a germinator.

4/19/2009 7:59:43 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

I would suggest a longer soak for LG's (up to 24 hrs) and preferabley the soaking solution should be kept warm. Some growers will clip the tip with nail cutters to help open the tough seed coat. Soem growers will crack them between their back teeth.....any way you do it the PR_Ks are hard to germiante

good luck

4/19/2009 10:02:22 PM


Corralitos, CA

Thank yop I guess it just a waiting game.

4/19/2009 11:11:00 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


I think mine took 6-7 days at 85F

4/20/2009 6:25:43 PM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Yeah, way longer to germ. I had a bunch last year in a paper towel and after 10 days I threw the baggie in the garbage.

I changed the garbages 4 days later and they all popped. Just take longer. John is right about the longer soak.

4/22/2009 1:31:55 PM


Corralitos, CA

3 of the 4 seeds I started yesterday all are under the grow lights now. Thank you all for your help and Ron they are your seeds.

4/23/2009 11:00:52 AM


Corralitos, CA

3 of the 4 seeds sprouted yesterday and now are under grow lights. To early in the morning to be typing.

4/23/2009 12:20:55 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

Yesterday I started soaking 10 seeds from my 124" LG of 2008.This is just a test to get a look at the gernination rate and I can report later for the info of anyone who may be trying those seeds.

It feels good to get out the incubation box and have another years' fresh start at this great hobby.

I plan to start my seeds for competition about May 15.

Anyone else have a germination report??

4/27/2009 7:03:11 AM



If anyone can post some pictures of their seeds when they germ and after they poke thru the soil would be great Thanks

4/27/2009 9:53:56 PM


Sparta, NC

I started my seeds on the April 25. The 111 7/8 Lovelace and 125.75 Urena are up. Still waiting on the 124 Eaton, 110.5 Duffy and 117.63 Lyons.

4/30/2009 9:48:20 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

Today is day 4 (started them May 14) and half my pots are showing seedlings,all should be up by 5-6 days.This is much better than last year,so somethings things work out well.

I clipped off the 2 shell corners on the non sprout end,soaked for 6 hours in warm water,used just slightly damp soil mix and kept them at 85-90 deg.This seems to do the job.

It's a procedure that I will definitely use next year.


5/18/2009 8:53:51 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I've come to the conclusion that LG seeds germ when they want to and that's it. Al sent me three varieties and after only 5 days all four 122 Eaton seeds sprouted, seemingly at the same time. I also planted two 124 Eaton's and three 104 Eaton seeds which have yet to germ. Not too concerned, they're still cooking away. My new nickname for the wife is LG. (unpredictable)
PS- the 122 seeds really responded well to the 92 degree germination temperature.

5/18/2009 9:45:07 PM



Do all gourd seeds start the same way?
How deep do you plant the seeds if not pre-started?
How critical is soil temp?

I found some seeds tucked away,and I decided to try and start some.
Five came up out of the pots,most are still sitting there.
Will too much rain slow down starting?
Night temps have been in the 40s.

5/20/2009 6:43:21 PM


Santa Cruz, CA

We grow pear gourds, dipper gourds, swan gourds, bitter melon gourds, caveman club gourds and long gourds. We start by sanding the edges and putting the seeds in a moist seed starting mix. We have a commercial grow light on and seed starting mats are set to 85 degrees. We've had really good germination rates within 4 to 5 days. 4 days ago I started 4 bitter mellon gourds and 4 snake gourds. All seeds are up but 3 snake gourds. I think the snake gourds are the all around hardest gourds to grow and sprout. Sprouting isn't as hard as keeping them alive once they are in the ground. Does anyone have experience growing them? We were able to grow all the gourds last year but not one of our snake gourds lived. Would they need hotter temps? That's what I'm thinking. I'm considering putting them in mini hoop houses until our temps get hotter. All tips would be much appreciated. I'm so looking forward to seeing them flower. I saw a picture in a book of the flower and it's incredible. Al, your long gourd seeds and now plants are doing well. We have them in the ground and they have just started to climb. Thanks for all your help and advise.

5/21/2009 12:31:16 AM

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