NC State fair requires online registration and will close September 15th. 5 Dollar (refundable if you do not make it) registration fee. Pay by the pound prize structure.
$2500 World Record Bonus for Watermelon category. Watermelons are also pay by the pound:$6.00 1st,$4.00 2nd, $3.00 3rd, $2.00 4th,$1.50 5th, $0.75 6th $0.75 7th 8-10 receive .50 a pound.
Pumpkins: $3.00 1st, $2.00 2nd, $1.50 3rd, $1.00 4th, $0.75 5th,6th-10th receive .50 a pound.
$100 Howard Dill Award
See Competition Rules at: