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Subject:  LlyodB, regarding the Triumph seed line..

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I know it's not the Triumph but I grew a mutant that is very similar. I grew your seeds in 2006 from the 248 or 254 cant remember which. It grew two melons that came in at 114 and 132. The next year I planted seeds from both the 114 seed and it produced the mutant. I gave it very little attention and it came in at 102. In 2009 I tried it again, the melon was 150lbs when a coyote chewed a hole in the side. I plan on trying again next year, I think I can produce a 200 pounder with the mutant seed.

I have kept seeds from the 114, 102 and 150 if you are anyone else is interested e-mail me. There is a photo of the 102 under 1SG in the member photo section.

11/13/2011 12:53:15 PM


I tend to agree that you can get 200 pounds from the 150 and it should be quite similar to the Triumph if it is from the accidental cross with your neighbor's Moon and Stars. The Moon and Stars variety is from the Triumph era and has that same solid dark green rind. The genes for the moon and stars markings is separate for rind color so in crosses sometimes you get the moon and stars on the rind and sometimes you don't. I am assuming the 150 has the size from the 248 and the rind background of the Moon and Stars. Since watermelons have over a dozen different gene pairs for size, you just need to plant it a few times and let the genes reshuffle until you hit on one that has mostly the best gene for large size among all the gene pairs for size. It should be a pretty melon.

11/14/2011 1:42:13 PM



Mr Bright, thanks for the information I read some studies from North Carolina State about Watermelon genes and you are correct about the growth genes, it is good to hear from you that you think it has some potential. hopefully it took the growth genes from the 248 and the rind color from the Sun moon and Stars.

I know you have been growing big ones for some time now, do you know the history of the Carolina Cross. I have researched and have not found any information on it.

I look forward to meeting you next year in Arkansas, Military duty prevented me from attending the weight in this year.

11/14/2011 9:46:27 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

1SG, I asked Lloyd that a while back here is the link http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=30&p=340959

11/15/2011 8:28:05 AM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 1:11:28 AM
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