Squash Growing Forum
Subject: Hot squash seeds
Date Posted
Nic Welty |
That State Up North
Lets here the results from 2004, what are the green seeds that are producing the best in everyone's patches? I have seen some good stuff from 980 Razo, and 756 Kennedy, and heard of 552 Sherwood producing well. What other monster green seeds are showing up out there? I hear 218 Andrews, which has always been a super solid green seed has shown some new life. And I would like to hear the tale of Thomas's squash seed. Also, what are some of the top new crosses you guys are making out there? I hear there may be some ok seeds from LI, and maybe some green seeds from Gads that will be enough to share this year, if the mice don't get them all.
Nic Welty
10/13/2004 10:33:46 AM
DennisT |
Pemberton, BC
I didn't know squash could get so big! Looks like I'll need to find some seed for next spring. WOW almost 1000 pounds?!! Dennis in BC
10/13/2004 11:28:39 AM
Tiller |
Sequim, WA
It was an off year for squash in Tiller's patch this season. I managed a 486 from the 576 Michalec 03* grown on a secondary vine, couldn't get a main vine set until I gave up and the bees did it for me in August. It measured 279" OTT and was crossed with the 895.5 Hester. The 895.5 was a dog for me this year. Only 341 lbs. and 246.5" OTT. I think that the 576 has some potential still and will probably give it a go next year and cross it either with the Razo or Gould squash. Right now I'm leaning toward the Gould to get some the the Corkum green in that gene pool. The open pollinated 576 is still on the vine and will be fed to the cows seeds and all.
10/13/2004 12:29:59 PM
Boehnke |
Itzetown City
We have grown the 579 Welty 03 here and have got a 203 from. In due to the weather here a good result. Fruit was the sensation on our local weight off where she made the 2. place after my 237 pumpkin (no color rules here). http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=28862
10/13/2004 2:15:52 PM
basebell6 (christy) |
Massillon, Ohio
312 welty wasnt too bad of a seed
10/13/2004 3:34:09 PM
Carlson |
Clinton, Iowa
Petersen and Carlson green one from the 552 Sherwood.....Big wheely fruit Measurements were 168 X 97.5 X 111+ 376"....43" tall...she went down 2 days before weigh off from a unseen stem end split that was inside the stem area..only way we found it was after the fact..we snapped the stem off and there it was...very small crack but a crack none the less.....break down was to late to try and weigh it....BUMMER Anyways Nick W or anyone else want to see a pic..Mail me at pumpkinpack@mchsi.com and I'll send you a couple... DAN The fruit was selfed
10/14/2004 1:08:44 PM
dave(7) |
mcminnville oregon
THE 552sherwood WAS a dud for me! MIKE GOLAT showed up with a beuty from it though! jacklarue also grew a nice one..My 474x895 produced a 674!
10/14/2004 3:42:42 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Christy's right the Welty 312 is a nice seed. I had a great one going till powdery mildew took me down hard & it limped to a pitiful 410 lbs. When the fruit was at day 25 it was way beyond what I expected ( the mildew was in full by day 30). I think Christy's seed was selfed ( as was mine) & both will make great squash seeds.............Paul
10/14/2004 5:32:29 PM
wk |
my thoughts are with the 980 Razo......552 Sherwood and 756 Kennedy.....
10/15/2004 4:45:46 PM
pumpkinspice |
Don't overlook the 229.5 Hathorn seed I grew this year..weighed 16% heavy..nice shape and color..Thomas made a great cross..821 Garrel (845 Bobier selfed)X 703 Smith..Take a look http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=28966
10/16/2004 1:39:28 AM
lobsterclaw |
French River,P.E.Island, Canada
540 Beachy/02,,,,,,,,Taped 503....weighed 563......11.9% heavy
10/16/2004 9:49:03 AM
wk |
790.5 Kennedy-2004(squash)...756Kennedy x 552 Sherwood....1.7% over chart...New site Record....Wellington Weigh-off....in Ontario, Canada
10/16/2004 6:24:29 PM
Poppy |
Anyone still like the 616 Corkum as a squash seed ???
10/16/2004 9:46:14 PM
Poppy |
or the 990 Hebb ??? Are these past tense ???? LOL
10/16/2004 9:48:19 PM
matfox345 |
Md/ Usa
990 was not a legal squash
10/16/2004 10:29:34 PM
Tom B |
990 was legal green squash, lime green, or whatever it was green from the get go. Dont start that crap!
10/17/2004 12:48:11 AM
southern |
Appalachian Mtns.
990 WAS a legal squash. Ever seen a pic of it?
10/17/2004 2:34:59 AM
Mr. Sprout |
Wichita, KS
990 was a squash.
10/17/2004 4:33:49 AM
Mr. Sprout |
Wichita, KS
I just saw a picture of 848 MacKenzie 2004*. OUTRAGEOUS green color! The cross is... 895 Hester X 756 Kennedy
Stunning. I have seed envy again.
10/17/2004 4:37:09 AM
wk |
848 MacKenzie was a beauty..very deep green color.......saw it up close and personal LOL....756 as male produced a 677 that was 24% over the chart....don't under estimate this cross....I am growing it and the 677 in 2005....p.s. 990 was a true squash.....just a light green version...give it a rest.....Dan Carlsons 552 Sherwood squash was light green but nothing less than a true squash...the 756 Kennedy has produced a ....861..790.......715......692 and 677 in its first year...all were late pollinations as well....
10/17/2004 8:40:25 AM
wk |
oh yes.......better start making those squash seed choices soon.....1000 lb plaque is still to be had...who wants to be the first to earn the plaque for first true green 1000 lb Squash.....
10/17/2004 8:43:19 AM
dave(7) |
mcminnville oregon
did i mention the 474.5 hester x 895.5 hester cross!!! the 474.5 was a classic ribbed squash light color! all the 895s ive seen are smooth with emerald green color! ribsxcolor? thats what im pushin!
10/18/2004 2:25:05 AM
Clarence |
Zach grew a 764.5 and a 727.5 764.5 was 675 Hester x Self 727.5 was 474 Hester x 895 Hester....both were 14% heavy. Both plants got hit hard by frost Aug.21 and only had 10 to 15 leaves each for the last 41 days of growing.
10/18/2004 9:09:51 AM
Nic Welty |
That State Up North
Looking over the 800+ producers from last year: 941.5 Razo ..................(980 Razo x 895.5 Hester) 929.5 Magdycz................(748.5 Koch x Self) 874.5 Dieffenbaughter........(312 Welty x Self) 873 LaRue....................(??? x ???) 865.8 Gauthier ..............(229.5 Hawthorn x?) 861.5 Brunst...................(756.8 Kennedy x Sib) 859 Kurkowski................(218 Andrews x Not specified) 848 MacKenzie................(895.5 Hester x 756.8 Kennedy) 831 Wilson...................(552 Sherwood x ???) 823 Gadberry.................(834 Gadberry x Self) 816 LaRue....................(552 Sherwood x 1062 Rivard) and oh so close: 1086 Carlson-Peterson EST....(552 Sherwood x Self) 963 Atten DMG................(894 Hebb x Open)
this gives a quick top seed rank: 1. 552 Sherwood (only one with two over) 2. 980 Razo 3. 748.5 Koch 4. 312 Welty 5. 229.5 Hawthorn 6. 756 Kennedy 7. 218 Andrews 8. 895.5 Hester 9. 834 Gadberry 10. and worth lots more consideration 894 Hebb
So, big question, what to plant next year don't forget the all time leaders: 616 Corkum, 895.5 Hester The old timers 539 Stellpflug, 900.8 Lyons
oh so difficult without hundreds of spots to try
Nic Welty
11/2/2004 1:08:10 PM
Thomas |
865.8 Gauthier was from the 229.5 Hathorn X SELF. This was the first time out for the 229.5 seed and look what it done.I don't have any of the 229.5 seeds left. I sent out a bunch last year so they are out there. Anyone wanting one should try to get them from those who have them. So just post and ask if anyone has any that does not plan on planting. Maybe those who have them and does not plan on planting them could post letting others know you would be willing to trade them. Thomas
11/2/2004 6:47:14 PM
dave(7) |
mcminnville oregon
According to your chart the 552sherwood is the most popular??? Ive got two and would trade one for the lesser rated 834,895,or 980???
12/3/2004 3:06:26 AM
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