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Subject:  are we going in the right direction ?

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canal winchester ohio

In most of the green squash family lines it's hard to find completely different lines on the male & female side ( with the newer crosses). And most folks ( myself included) wanted to crossback into previous seeds (ex) 900 X 895. If we go with the hybrid vigor theory from AG's why don't we seek other crosses ( ex) 900 Lyons x 220 Andrews( Rocky's 879 x self, which was a Anderson 815 x self cross itself) ?.
Or even more extreme 627 McCallum ( 2nd generation selfed) x 220 Andrews ( 2nd generation selfed).
Are we going in the right direction by constantly crossing back into seed lines ?
I'm really wondering here so speak up.......Paul

1/1/2004 9:36:18 PM

hey you

Greencastle, PA

I plan on selfing the 879, and then crossing it with the 703 Smith, it would be an 815 Checkon sort of cross, but between two dark green squash with more dominant genes.

1/1/2004 9:56:06 PM

hey you

Greencastle, PA

Paul, forgot to ask, what do you think about using your hungarian grey as a mother for some squash crosses?

1/1/2004 9:57:39 PM


Deer Park WA

Are you kidding me Paul? A squash will cross back out almost into anything! I am looking at inter-species crosses to get to my goals.

1/2/2004 1:55:17 AM


canal winchester ohio

I'm not saying completely abandon it, I myself will more than likely do at least 1 if not 2 inter-species crosses.But I'm just wondering if it's worth a look to try the other idea just to see what the next generation will do.
Now your 834 is a example of one that I would probably self as I've never seen a deeper greener squash. But I would look at taking a 834 x self cross & possibly crossing that with a 732 Wells ( 963 Needham x 579 Wells).
The Needham is a 895 x self cross & the 732 although it has 900 Lyons in the gene pool it also has Stellpflug squash genes mixed in there to.
Gerry, it's winter, I'm bored & I'm just bouncing ideas around.........Paul

1/2/2004 12:07:52 PM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

I will be crossing the 895 back to an unrelated stock in 04. I still have some old 821 Stellpflug 90, 737, and 738 Stellpflug seeds. They may be old, but it will reintroduce some old genes.

1/2/2004 1:22:10 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada


Your Pretty close with your cross, I'll try to explain my theory's I've studied now for two years and show some example's of. Bare with me....

"Learn from the past to predict the future"

Look at the best pumpkin crosses today 723 & 845 Bobier
or the 705 Stelts and the 846 Calai. Study the way the 935 Lloyd and 801.5 Stelts have been created for several generations now look at the 842 Eaton and many others (LOOK at the progeny for the 727.0 Pearce' 03).

What ones will do this for Squash to date. yep the best choice is the 895.5 (always throws green)of yours but what other same seed do you cross with it, well lets look at it's sister seeds, maybe 742 Mackenzie.

Next season 2005(to make it short) cross completly out of the family line to either the 539 or 738 Stellpflug.

So now every one knows the new killer squash cross to come out in the fall of 2005.

Giant Veggies

1/2/2004 2:39:04 PM



smart move Brett..thats why I am looking for old Stellpflug seeds......895.5 has been awesome, but we need to add a few new genes now......

1/2/2004 3:36:03 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

A 611 Stellpflug would bring a little heavier OTC % into the cross.

1/2/2004 4:16:42 PM


canal winchester ohio

other possible ones
218 Andrews
636 Welty
604 Welty
322 Welty
427 Wells...... With these you will get the older Stellpflug genes without having to try to germinate older seeds.

1/2/2004 4:50:50 PM


canal winchester ohio

Tom, I forgot to answer your question..sorry.
I wish I had a Beachy size plot, Here is what I want to do with my Hungarian seed ( possibly next season after I make myself the green crosses I want) the 900 Lyons seed isn't getting any younger so I'll go that direction this year.
My 353 Hungarian x 815 Checkon
353 x 810 Handy
353 x 712 Kuhn
353 x Vanderstein 862
The year I grew my 378 ( Dill 610 x self) I planted a 353 seed in the corner of the patch just to see how the plant was. I let the main get about 7' long & cut off all sidevines. I set a fruit at the 7' mark & cut the vine there, pollinated it with the Dill 610 & got a 147 lber off that vine. The seeds from it have been in the freezer ever since. Sometimes I wonder if the "hot" seed has been sitting in my freezer all along..LOL

1/2/2004 4:59:28 PM



what do you guys think about the potential of the 980* Razo or the 771* Stellpflug?

1/3/2004 12:52:11 AM

hey you

Greencastle, PA

I like those crosses. You gonna do any squash crosses with the 353? I think it would be a good one to do some nice heavy squash crosses.

1/3/2004 3:16:06 AM

hey you

Greencastle, PA

I think if Len's 771 hadn't gone so light (840 est.) and split the 980 would be a lot better, but it definetly has the potential to grow some huge squash.

1/3/2004 3:17:10 AM


Long Island,New York

Hey Brett...I tried to start about a dozen 821/807's last year in three diferent incubation trials and failed to germ any.Ive heard similar comments on the 821from others also. 539 is hit or miss now also...anything older would have had to been frozen I think. I think its a dead seed now...best of luck though...you have the talent!. BTW...if you try a few and get more than the one you want please contact me about any extra seedlings !.....Thanks....G

1/3/2004 9:30:57 AM



why not just concentrate on growing tons of 771 and 980's, as well as 895.5 and it's offspring? there have got to be good seeds in those fruit. I'd throw in the 616 Corkum offspring too even though they may not guarantee a greenie. But I'm sure you wouldn't flip out if you got a giant 'pumpkin' from a squash either. I wouldn't at least... don't let weighing light deter you, even though it wasn't that extreme with the 771. If that had deterred Fred Calai, Dave Stelts and Steve Daletas, 1000lb pumpkins would be fewer and way less orange.

I think hybrid crosses of squash with pumpkin strains may do well too. It's just a matter of getting the seed that has the green gene along with some sort of freakoid size thing...or you may hit a pumpkin colour gene with the freakoid size gene...taking some risks may pay off for those willing. Just pray for the freakoid size gene!!! haha

1/3/2004 6:04:51 PM



the 962* sherwood looks good too...you could do a crossback with the 552* sherwood

1/3/2004 6:54:51 PM

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