Squash Growing Forum
Subject: selfed squash
Date Posted
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
Looking for a "selfed" squash seed...preferably unrelated to the infamous 848 Mackenzie...1086 Carlson-Petersen Maybe, dunno contact info though. Thanks in advance.
12/17/2009 10:08:07 PM
Dutch Brad |
You might want to try the 1040 Van Rompaey. It is proven to go about 1000 lbs and has some different genetics than the 848. We have one available in our silent auction starting January 8 if you can't get it anywhere else. Otherwise the 471 Beachy might be a good idea too.
http://egvga.webs.com/seedauction.htm (lot 1b)
12/18/2009 4:06:12 AM
MR. T. (team T) |
Nova Scotia
I have a nice buttercup self seed lol
12/18/2009 8:54:44 AM
Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG) |
sevierville, Tn
I selfed the ...1086 Carlson-Petersen in 2007, ended with a 934 est squash. It rotted from the bottom i guess as it split a week before the weighoff. Was a very trouble free plant till the end. Nice color, long stem
Email me for my address if you want some. christopherkent@mindspring.com Got alot of seeds if you want some.
12/18/2009 2:14:33 PM
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
Thanks for the 'lead' Brad...
Thanks for the offer Mr. T, sounds like a great cross, hope it does well for you;)
and you have mail SMP...thanks for the reply
12/18/2009 2:39:32 PM
seedling |
London, Ohio
i got seeds out of one i grew it weighed 544uow06 it was a 771stellpflug and i selfed it.got plenty of seeds if your interested dan
12/19/2009 9:49:52 AM
BS |
Mcminnville, Or. (oregonangler@comcast.net)
Check the 770 McCallum 03, No 848, but a little 900.5 Lyons way back in it's genes. Also, the 859 Kurkowski 04 and subsequent 544.6 Sundstrom 2006. Cheers, Brent
12/19/2009 11:18:59 AM
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
Thanks everyone...bubbles out next week:)
12/19/2009 12:34:35 PM
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