Squash Growing Forum
Subject: growing greenies
Date Posted
Disneycrazy |
addison Il
my son got some great seeds from alex noel here and wants to grow them which is great hes getting into my hobby but what to do? first off should i perpare or help him prepare a seperate patch away from my giants and such can the pumpkins i have cross pollintate accidently with his greenies? is the care and management the same as with altantic giants i want to help him in anyway i can but have no expericence in greenies what so ever not to mention this will be my first time going big with good seeds LOL i hope you all can help me help him to grow a big green monster. Thanks to all who respond.
2/8/2006 10:31:43 AM
Tracy Growing Giant Squash is no different, other than Colour, to growing Giant Pumpkins and unless you are planning on making selective pollinations to produce Seeds with certain crosses then i would not worry about any cross pollination that may happen between the Pumpkins & Squash. However, if you do plan on doing selective hand pollinations with your Pumpkins and/or Shawns Squash and do not want any unwanted cross pollination to take place then you will have to do controlled crosses/pollination of the Females.
Hope that helps Regards Mike
2/8/2006 3:25:14 PM
Disneycrazy |
addison Il
so if i prep a patch away from my giants and help shawn to do his own things and hand pollinate his plants then all should be good and of course treat them the same as i would mine as far as fertilizing and pruning and insect control?
2/8/2006 4:22:37 PM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
Hi. Glad I could help to get the next generation of giants going. As Mike says they are exactly the same as giant pumpkins except for color. To better control the crosses put some type of a cover over both the flower to be pollinated and the flower that you will be using to pollinate. A plastic bag tied shut, or actually somebody mentioned a sock tied shut worked well to cover the flowers. As far as preparing a seperate patch, the bees can travel miles so as long as you and/or Shawn cover the flowers adequately they should be fine right next to pumpkins. Good Luck, AleX Noel.
2/8/2006 7:38:06 PM
if they do cross pollinate the cross will have no effect on this years fruit, as the genectics will be passed into the seeds and appear next season. Glenn
2/9/2006 8:09:35 AM
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