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Subject:  True Green Squash

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

Is there a list of the top 100 (or whatever), true green squash ever grown?


9/24/2005 2:01:59 AM


Sequim, WA

I haven't heard of anyone putting one together, but it's a great idea Owen......get busy buddy and send it my way once it's done. ;o)

9/24/2005 2:29:02 AM

Dutch Brad


Top 7 list of Belgium and Dutch squash in European forum. (Only 200 kg+ squash weighed at Duisburg since 2001).

9/24/2005 4:00:29 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

I would be willing to put one together. Start emailing me some weights everyone and I will crunch the numbers. Lets set the rule of only Official Squash. No fruit that were "Ruled" squash, only true green squash will go on the list. My email address is pumpkinguru@canby.com
Lets have the following information on the list...
Weight/Grower/year/Female seed/Male Seed/Total Inches/Weighoff site. Sound Good?

9/27/2005 2:42:19 PM

Dutch Brad


Sounds good, though total inches might be difficult. Many Dutch growers don't even measure their fruits (not that there are many Dutch growers).

9/27/2005 4:01:47 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks for the offer Brett. Will do.

9/28/2005 12:59:06 AM


Nashville, TN

I've been weighing mine on my Vet's large animal scale.. Though I intended on grwoing the 'Giant Orange GPs' Ended up having one of my largest ones - stay a nice shade of green.. It was one of he 'crowd favorites' here - so I'll be growing some seeds from it, and from the original batch of seeds that produced it..

Maybe my second year as a grower - I'll be forced to use a bigger scale??? **hopeful grin*** The hubby got his skid loader - so that he can move bigger ones!

12/13/2005 7:42:39 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Guru, can you tell us nu-B's...especially this one...the definitions of "Official" and "Ruled"? Not trying to "stir the pot"...just wanting to know. Thanks Peace, Wayne

12/13/2005 8:01:56 PM




Until this year the GPC color standard ruled any fruit that was 30% green a squash even if the other 70% was all orange. True green squash NEVER have ANY orange on them.

12/13/2005 10:06:53 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

What change did the GPC make this year? What is the current GPC color standard? Thanks Peace, Wayne

12/14/2005 7:40:40 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Here is the link. It is found under the GPC link on the home page:



12/14/2005 7:48:54 AM



In short there are now 3 color categories with 2 names.
Read the text Owen referred to interpret correctly.

All Green = Squash
All Orange = Pumpkin with a color bonus
Any mixed color disaster is still a pumpkin but no color bonus.

12/14/2005 10:17:45 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 2/26/2025 4:43:31 PM
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