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Subject:  Rootshield Granules by the Pound!

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Bohica (Tom)


We are offering Rootshield granules by the pound for a limited time, until supplies run out.
Please visit us at www.extremepumpkinstore.com

3/14/2011 5:59:04 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

How much is needed per plant? Peace, Wayne
When and where is it applied? Just at planting, or awl along, as the plant grows? Peace, Wayne

3/15/2011 8:03:55 PM



Some till it in with ammendments and then add a pinch at the nodes. Fur sure in the plant hole 1/4 - 1/2 cup. The stuff is activated by H2O and nitrogen but once its active, is it mobile in the soil? I think I read somewhere someone using 2 lbs / plant.

3/17/2011 1:52:40 AM

BPMailey TL


Tried reaching you two days ago Tom by email and phone message...still no reply....

You have my contact info...


3/17/2011 8:26:57 AM

Bohica (Tom)


Bryan, no disrespect, but it takes a little time to figure out what I can get available to me and what I can send to Canada.
I appreciate your patience.

3/18/2011 1:47:08 PM

Bohica (Tom)


Wayne, as usual, all of this info is listed on our website in the product listing...

Root Protection:
Grows on the roots “shielding” them against root damaging fungi
Releases enzymes that dissolve the cell wall of many fungal pathogens
Promotes a healthier root system increasing root mass potential
0-Hour REI
RootShield Granules is OMRI Listed and is a VeriFlora® approved input material
Reduces or eliminates chemical fungicide applications
Grows between pH 4-8; at soil temperatures between 48° - 97° F
Costs less that 2¢ per 6 – inch pot for a root protection program
Reduces effects of environmental stresses that challenge the root system

Apply RootShield Granules from a granular applicator at the rate of 5-12 pounds per acre. For best results apply granules using a metering device,such as a Gandy applicator or equivalent, mounted to deliver granules into the furrow just behind the furrow opener. Apply in furrow at seeding or to established crops as a side dress.

Mix RootShield Granules with planting mixes at a rate of 1-1.5 pounds per cubic yd. (loose) mix. For best results, thoroughly incorporate RootShield Granules into planting mixes during mix preparation or at pot filling.

For nursery planting mixes apply RootShield Granules at the rate of 1-1.5 pounds per cubic yd. (loose) mix. For nursery beds, incorporate at a rate of 1.0-1.5 pounds per 1000 square feet of bed by raking or tilling. Application of irrigation water will help move RootShield Granules into the soil. If soil is fumigated or steam sterilized apply RootShield Granules after treatment.

Apply RootShield Granules to the planting hole at a rate of 0.2 - 8.0 ounces and incorporate into the planting soil or soil mix.

3/18/2011 1:50:51 PM

phat joe

Zurich, Ontario Canada

Tom - I purchased a gallon of 0-0-25. I do not have a soil test. Can you give me an idea how to mix for foliar feeding. Also how often should it be applied. When should it be started. I have a fruit set 1 week ago (baseball size)

Thanks Phat Joe Peter Mathonia pcmathonia@hay.net

6/29/2012 2:09:38 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 2/25/2025 1:08:20 AM
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