Equipment for Sale
Subject: wanted: pulp mill forming fabric
Date Posted
Cornhusk |
Gays Mills, Wisconsin
I'm in Wisconsin, looking for mill frabric. Any ideas? I've got seed to give away for any information leading to the obtaining of such fabric at a reasonable price. Email me with info, I can email you my seed list in exchange. TY John "Cornhusk" Barlow
1/13/2005 11:06:01 PM
out of my gourd |
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but Jung Seed(WWW.JUNGSEED.COM) has planters paper,"a revolutionary biodegradable paper mulch." 50 feet x 24 inches is 8.95and the 100 foot x 48 inches wide is 23.95 .Hope this helps. Phil
1/24/2005 6:01:46 PM
Alexsdad |
Garden State Pumpkins
go down about 40 entries to "Shameless Plug" on this bullentn board....if you want good mats for the pumpkin you find em there!
1/24/2005 7:08:16 PM
Labqueen |
Waverly, Ohio
My club will have some mill fabric by March 15. I'll make a post when it is available.
2/18/2005 8:01:47 PM
Labqueen |
Waverly, Ohio
I have paper mill fabric now. If anyone is interested, please let me know. Thanks!
3/16/2005 11:18:58 PM
Total Posts: 5 |
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