Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: What heck is happening to my beans??
Date Posted
Steve's Garage |
New Castle, Indiana
Alright so I've got a row of Roma II bush beans (italian style) in my garden and ever since last week the newest sets of leaves are just going yellow and I think it's getting worse.
For context, the field next to my garden was sprayed with herbicide last week, but the garden was watered and sprayed down shortly after. None of the garden seemed affected by the spray, so unless the Roma II's have some special weakness then I don't think the field spray drift is responsible.
Some days prior to that, however, I had sprayed Sevin concentrate(diluted according to label) over the garden. Again, rest of the plants show no problems from it, other than some of my FP leaves.
Now, if I'm being honest, when these beans germinated they didn't look all that great. Many cots were coming out damaged or just plain missing, but they all continued to grow. So I'm just trying to figure out what the heck is going with these plants in case there's something I can do to improve them. I'll probably post a pic in my diary but it won't show up for awhile.
6/11/2023 8:46:19 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I have had these guys feed on young plants and cause the condition you have described. Brush the plants with your hands and see if you see anything jump off of them. If they are there you will see them. The plants will outgrow the damage, and grow normal leaves. Usually the problem lessens and goes away if you do nothing, but you may choose to use a pesticide to control the insect and help the plant recover faster.
6/12/2023 8:10:53 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Sounds like the ones that go 'peearroougghh' @ 800 MPS when you get near them. Ahh, such memories of being 6 again, lol; Uh-oh. It's Steve. Don't squash 'em, Steve. You can just scare 'em away, this time - Good Luck, none the less---eg
6/12/2023 11:24:11 AM
Steve's Garage |
New Castle, Indiana
Doesn't look like I've got leaf hoppers, or any other bug that I can see. Here's the pic.
6/12/2023 11:25:42 AM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
You know me - You can 'sacrifice' one plant by hitting it w1th a quarter gallon of 1TBSP/gal H2O twice/thrice over the next week and see if that helps. All 24 of my plants are nice and green. Not BIG by any stretch, butt green, lol---eg
6/12/2023 8:33:20 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
with a quarter gallon of 1 TBSP/gal Miracle-Gro 24-8-16 or any WS fert that has a higher N constituent
This is getting bad, lol---eg
6/12/2023 8:37:54 PM
Steve's Garage |
New Castle, Indiana
Oh sure I could bombard them with Nitrogen no problem..lol. Question is would it even help...or make matters worse?
6/12/2023 10:31:20 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Iron deficiency? High phosphorus and/or high ph could be factors? Next guess, would be sulfer.
6/13/2023 2:08:07 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I saw the photo They do look different than the type of injury i have seen from planthoppers. They actually look better than what i expected. I am not sure what is causing the issue but I expect that they will be ok and will come out of it when the weather warms up for good. I agree with some of the others on here, it couldn't hurt to use something like miracle grow or some other fertilizer that contains micro nutrients. Don't overdo it Just use the label rate. Also Have you had the soil tested, a pH that is too high or low will make nutrients like iron and many others unavailable.
6/13/2023 7:57:16 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I am still not convinced that this isn't herbicide damage too. https://drybeanagronomy.ca/bleaching-herbicide-carryover-injury-in-dry-beans/ I still think they will out grow it and be ok. Either way.
6/13/2023 8:01:13 AM
Steve's Garage |
New Castle, Indiana
The soil should be good. My spring soil test showed pH of 6.8 and everything was generally fine. Either way, if they grow out of it then no problem. Just another setback in a string of setbacks for some of my plants...lol.
6/13/2023 8:49:55 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
I hear ya, I feel your frustration and am feeling the same way right now.
6/13/2023 10:09:49 AM
Steve's Garage |
New Castle, Indiana
OH I just looked at the pic and that's exactly what's going on. So it is something to do with the beans getting hit with that herbicide most likely. Those Roma II are suppose to be high yield...we'll see...lol.
6/13/2023 12:09:44 PM
pumpkinpal2 |
Syracuse, NY
Plants use up what is in their local root zone. Mycorrhizal inoculation of the soil enables something else to help the plants get nutrients that are otherwise unavailable. Burying vines/root nodes is another way we work together with a plant to help it grow. That having been said, IF the nutrients for the plants are depleted (isn't there a term 'root zone depletion?'), then they exhibit signs of malnutrition, to be alleviated by additions of fertilizer that pinpoint OR can assist in the (completion?) of the uptake of the needed nutrient(s). Hence, if the soil is perfect, great! So is a hundred dollar bill. Once it is used up, though, where is another to come from? Anyway, good luck with it and one more thing is that even if it IS anything other than depleted nutrients, such as the herbicide drift, AGs and FPs and probably ALL plants appreciate some fertilizer just for the heck of it. Like that hundred bucks, losses CAN be eventually made up for (grow out of it) by finding enough CHANGE (macro and micronutrients?) anywhere they can find 'em, lol---eg
6/13/2023 12:14:02 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Roma 2 is a good variety, I usually grow some each year.
6/13/2023 2:14:41 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Steve, you might takeaway a bit from this video:
It's a bit slow to start, but its a good stating place you might feel better after watching...
6/13/2023 2:59:17 PM
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