Fertilizing and Watering
Date Posted
Richard |
What is your favorite brand of fish emulsion? Do you use worm castings? Do you use anything else, like compost tea, any recommendations for the begginer.
5/15/2007 8:43:16 PM
Fair Time |
North Carolina
Neptune's Harvest is great, in my opinion. I have been using it. However, I am trying Fertrell 3 Fish & Seaweed. It comes recommended from someone I trust, plus it is WAY cheaper than Neptune's Harvest.
5/15/2007 9:20:37 PM
*Old *Man* |
Sheridan . NY
agro-k's 5 2 2 fish with seaweed --$7.50 gallon--helping grow lots of momsters----
5/15/2007 10:17:07 PM
springwater |
Gays Mills,WI
Neptunes Harvest or Sea Rich is my favorite but there all good. Compost tea is great,you can go out and by a compost tea kit or just make your own in a bucket or barrel with high quality compost,a couple air stones hooked up to a fish tank bubbler to get everything moving. Let it stew all day in the sun. Dilute it down with water until tea is a light amber color. You can add castings,kelp,alfalfa meal,molasses and all kinds of xtras to the brew also.
5/15/2007 10:28:41 PM
Richard |
O'K Thanks
5/20/2007 2:50:01 PM
cotterpins |
Cornell, Wi
Try the kind Joel Holland sells. Comes dry just mix with water. Very good price. You get a lot for your money. Fish and seaweed. I trust he knows what to use.
5/28/2007 11:11:18 PM
Richard |
whast kind does joel holland sell?
5/29/2007 12:23:59 AM
WiZZy |
Little-TON - Colorado
I used "Magic Mermaid" seaweed which is dried. Yes it is cheaper to ship, BUT.. if you read the label you may find the dried usually has higher Potassium content ( 1-1-17). If that is what you need then OK. I suspect my potassium levels increased to "very high" due to applying the seaweed spray weekly. I have recently switched to Neptunes, I find it to be a bit more concentrated when making up a gallon, much darker, and has a rating of 0-0-1, big diff. You can find the site address on BP's links page and on on the www.ColoradoPumpkins.com link page (Thanks to my webdaughter) Also check out their kelp meal and other products....good site, good stuff, along with Joels and Agro-K's . Growem BIG
5/29/2007 9:03:25 AM
Carolyn Phillips |
Nauvoo, Alabama
The only Fish Emulsion I could find locally at the Co-Op was made by Ferti-Lome. its a 5-1-1. Found it today. Since my soil is very bad, I doubled the solution. 2 Tablespoons per gallon instead of 1. Is that a bad thing.
6/1/2007 11:47:42 AM
Richard |
bought some, bonide fish emolsion.
6/4/2007 12:19:39 AM
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