Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: ok to water daily with miracle grow?
Date Posted
kountry girl |
My plants now have about 3-5 leaves on them, can I water daily with miracle grow or should I just use it once a week? thanks!!!
5/13/2007 5:05:16 PM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Hold on Kountry girl, you need to address several issues before you go drenching them plants plants with ferts.
You may not need any additional NPK at all. Have you done a soil sample? If so what is the OM content? Are you using mycorrhizae fungi? Have you added anything to the soil as patch preparations? There are many more questions to be answered.
Consider organic ferts and supplements as replacements for the tradional NPK products.
5/13/2007 6:52:22 PM
Richard |
Most everybody here uses fish emulsion, with neptunes harvest being a favorite brand, I used to use miracle grow but some people said they notice no difference not using miracle grow. I personaly put compost, manure in my garden, some people use worm poop (worm castings, it a manure.
5/13/2007 7:33:03 PM
Lee Taylor |
Nicholls Georgia
i use it every 7 days because i have a sandy loma i use it as a follier and dreanch down but onle 7 days also i use the alaskin fish fert on them
5/13/2007 9:08:09 PM
Tremor |
Most of us jack the soil with so much organic material that soluble fertilizers aren't needed. Low CEC or Low Percent Organic Matter soils will benefit from solubles though.
5/13/2007 10:08:09 PM
Tremor |
Not daily either unless the weekly rate is divided by 7.
5/14/2007 9:31:19 AM
garysand |
San Jose garysand@pacbell.net
if you do not have lots of organic matter, do like Tremor said and do 1/7 the dose daily, as apposed to once a week at full strength
5/14/2007 8:10:12 PM
kountry girl |
I have my plants in the hay ring circle where my dad fed some round bales of hay. its pretty dark looking compared to the dirt 10' away, there is cow manure there also.
5/14/2007 8:48:23 PM
garysand |
San Jose garysand@pacbell.net
you are probably ok on organic matter, so i would not use miracle grow, just use some fish, seaweed, foliar
5/15/2007 9:08:28 PM
Richard |
I don't think it will take the place of compost, manure, I would buy some fish emulsion and dilute it to where you can use it daily if you like.
5/16/2007 11:01:40 AM
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