Entry Date
Nick Name
Friday, September 06, 2019
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 131 of 194 |
I have been taking measurements every 5 days. The 1200 Engel has gone from 462# to 520#, 11.6# per day. About the same rate of gain as before.
The melons are slowing down, The 2nd largest went from 149# to 156#, a 1.4# per day gain. The largest showed no change. But I am not too concerned, yet. Since I only measure to the closest full inch, and light levels were very low this evening, there might have been some growth. It has grown about 10# in 10 days. The last 5 included 3 mornings in the low 50's, but forecast for the middle of September is for warmer than normal temperatures.
We got one gourd taped to a board and tied to the trellis. Measured 98", growing slowly. One much smaller that wasn't supported fell and broke. We have a new crop coming on now. Some aborted, some are growing fast. We will have to make a decision in the next few days as to which ones to keep and which ones to cull. They have just enough time to mature before the Ryan Norlin weigh-off.