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Tuesday, January 01, 2019
The Pumpkinguru
Cornelius, Oregon
Entry 1 of 73 |
FOr the Old Seed and the 150 SQFT contests I need a Diary, so just going to do a copy and paste from Facebook... Here is our 2019 as it rolls from beginning to end. On the first day of the new year we look to making changes, starting things anew, or beginning something we have not done before. For me, this year I am looking to do something, but in a way its in reverse of the typical, I am looking to do less. Have fewer irons in the fire, but give each iron that remains more attention. In the photo today is one iron that is going away, the winter window tomato experiment. The variety was a Sweet Million and we grew it from a cutting of a plant I had forgotten about in some weeds, to a ripe tomato in the house that Megan ate. It can be done.