Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Ron W.
Coventry RI USA
Entry 145 of 157 |
Weekly measurements are as follows: 1790 DAP 61 415 inches 1,484 pounds, up 154 pounds for the week average 22 pounds per day. 2230: DAP 57 389 inches, 1,262 pounds up 168 pounds for the week average 24 pounds per day. 2009 Paps: DAP 59 428 inches 1,597 pounds, up 189 pounds for the week average 27 pounds per day. 2009: DAP 58 453 inches 1,813 pounds up 196 pounds for the week average 28 pounds per day. Yesterday was the first time in 10 days that it was dry enough to water, plants are starting to show the normal ageing on the first few side vines and down the main vine. Looks like a great stretch of dry low 80's weather starting Monday. Paps 2009 is tracking about 50 pounds ahead of last years 2230, the other 2009 is 280 pounds ahead of last year. What made last years 2230 special was the growth it put on from now till the first week of October. Main vines are still sapping all over the place as daily I have to wipe spots clean, bleach, apply daconil and move fans. Mouse bait to be placed near pumpkins tomorrow. This is the time of the year when we start to measure every 2 weeks, so next update on weights will be 9/3