First Bioassay results to test manure based compost for residual herbicide. JC stands for the source(Johnson County Topsoil). Peas look vigorous and leaves are not cupped. I’ll be proceeding with using it.
Also of note, JC Soil + Alfalfa did poorly.
Also had a few other things growing in there since I had the seeds laying around.
Chip drop finally made it. Took about 2mo from when I requested it. ~14 yrds and hoping for lots more. I hope to try static aerated method(exhaust air flow). I want to use the heat/CO2 in the mini-greenhouses this spring.
Did a bioassay on the latest batch of compost. It was very cheap($20yrd delivered, got 15 yrds) and mentioned Limed Manure as base/source. The two scrawny pots on the left are the manure pots, the two better pots are the control. Not sure what the issue is but added 50lbs of Naturesafe 12-2-6 (Meals + Ammonium Sulfate) and 100lbs of sulfur to the area of the garden that got that batch of manure.